Mass Intentions
One of the greatest acts of charity is to pray for the living and the dead. The greatest and most powerful prayer we have is the Mass, since the fruits of the Mass are the very fruits of Jesus' redemption. For that reason, all are encouraged to have Mass offered for loved ones who have died, or even for the living who have some need. This is an ancient Catholic practice, and all are encouraged to take it up.
In our parish there are many requests for scheduling such Mass intentions.
The following policies are now being implemented in order to accommodate
the numerous Mass requests in a reasonable and fair manner.
In order to give the opportunity for all parishioners to schedule a Mass intention for their loved ones and to accommodate recently deceased individuals, the Mass Intention book is open for twelve (12) months according fiscal calendar year.
Mass intentions may not be scheduled for more than one year in advance.
Guidelines for Mass Intentions
Canon Law does not permit us to keep Mass intentions for only those Masses that can be celebrated by our priests within a calendar year. Consequently, some intentions may have to be sent to the Bishop’s Chapel Fund for distribution to other priests who will be able to celebrate those Masses.
A Mass intention may be requested for: a deceased loved one; a living person who is sick or suffering; a birthday, anniversary or other special moment in their life; in thanksgiving to God.
Please be sure to indicate if the person for whom the Mass is requested for is living or dead.
A maximum of five (5) intentions per year for any one individual (deceased or living) may be scheduled at the parish with no more than two (2) scheduled for a weekend Mass. Additional Masses beyond the five (5) will be sent to the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis.
Requests will be honored on a first-come, first serve basis in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office.
A $10 stipend, as determined by diocesan policy, is to accompany each Mass request. Intentions will not be recorded until the stipend is received. Canon Law requires that all stipends taken for Mass Intentions be said for the intention as designated.
Requests for Mass Intentions must be made at the Parish Office in-person, by calling 952-941-3164 or email contact@stpatrick-edina.org.
One Mass every Sunday must be scheduled for the intentions of our parishioners known as Pro Populo (For the People) as required by Canon Law.