St. Patrick's Prayer Shawl Ministry
Calling all those who knit, crochet, or sew (or any craft)!
Prayer Shawls have comforted the sick & dying, those who are grieving, or lonely & in need of company. And St. Patrick's cannot keep enough Prayer Shawls in stock! There is free yarn at the parish office & the shawls are blessed before they are placed in the Celtic Center. And if you do not know how to crochet, we will teach you!We are also making hats for Knots of Love for those who are going through chemotherapy.
We meet in St. Martin's for fellowship and to work on our prayer shawls from 1pm-2:30pm on the following dates:
Please contact DeAnn in the office at 952.767.0945 or email contact@stpatrick-edina.org.
Prayer Shawl Starting Prayer by Darcy Horon -Siepman
Dear Lord, Bless these needles that they stay strong and light so they don't tire the hands that wield them;
Bless this yarn with strength and softness that it will form a cloth of warmth and comfort;
Bless these hands with strength and skill so they may make well crafted gifts;
Bless this heart with strength and perseverance so I will see this work through to bring comfort to those in need;
But most of all dear Lord, bless the wearer of this cloth with strength and comfort that
their burdens may be lightened and their hearts gladdened with the realization that they are loved.
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17
DeAnn Brandel - Prayer Shawl Organizer
Office/Communications Manager